name: inverse layout: true class: center, middle, inverse --- #remark ####markdown制作幻灯片之利器 [tandaly 翻译-2014] [英文原文]( .footnote[直接访问作者 [Github项目](] --- ## 它是什么,为什么我要使用它? --- layout: false .left-column[ ## 它是什么? ] .right-column[ 它是一个简单的,用于浏览的,markdown制作幻灯片工具,它提供给使用HTML和CSS的人们,特征: - Markdown 格式,智能扩展 - 演示模式, 用于演示幻灯片 - 语法高亮, 支持多重语言 - 幻灯片缩放, 因此,对所有设备的外观都相似 .red[*] - 支持只能手持和移动设备,即滑动浏览幻灯片 .footnote[.red[*] 尽可能达到浏览器最优模式] ] --- .left-column[ ## 它是什么? ## 为什么要使用它? ] .right-column[ 幻灯片的制作流程,包含如下步骤: - 只写你的想法 - 做一些基本的样式化处理 - 更容易与他人合作 - 可以分享给大家 那就用remark尽可能的为你制作优美的.red[*] 幻灯片! .footnote[.red[*] 你可能想将现有的幻灯片做得更好] ] --- .left-column[ ## 它是什么? ## 为什么要使用它? ] .right-column[ 幻灯片是用markdown语法来表达,你可以: - 重点是关注内容,表达自己所想表达的,而不用担心外观 实际上幻灯片是一个HTML文档,你可以: - 显示在任何像样的浏览器 - 使用CSS样式规则,就想任何其他的HTML内容一样 - 可以脱机使用! 在幻灯片中包含一个存文本文件,你可以: - 你可以存储在任何地方,比如你得电脑上,托管到Dropbox服务器上,托管在Github Pages上... - 更容易与他人协作编写,你可以用git或者Mercuial项目文件版本控制器来进行文件管理。 ] --- template: inverse ## 这是怎么做的呢? --- name: how .left-column[ ## 它是如何工作的呢? ### - Markdown ] .right-column[ A Markdown-formatted chunk of text is transformed into individual slides by JavaScript running in the browser: ```remark # Slide 1 This is slide 1 --- # Slide 2 This is slide 2 ``` .slides[ .first[ ### Slide 1 This is slide 1 ] .second[ ### Slide 2 This is slide 2 ] ] Regular Markdown rules apply with only a single exception: - A line containing three dashes constitutes a new slide (not a horizontal rule, `<hr />`) Have a look at the [Markdown website]( if you're not familiar with Markdown formatting. ] --- .left-column[ ## 它是如何工作的呢? ### - Markdown ### - 嵌入 HTML ] .right-column[ A simple HTML document is needed for hosting the styles, Markdown and the generated slides themselves: ```xml *
</textarea> * ``` You may download remark to have your slideshow not depend on any online resources, or reference the [latest version]( online directly. ] --- template: inverse ## 当然,它目前仅仅支持Markdown. --- .left-column[ ## Markdown 扩展 ] .right-column[ To help out with slide layout and formatting, a few Markdown extensions have been included: - Slide properties, for naming, styling and templating slides - Content classes, for styling specific content - Syntax highlighting, supporting a range of languages ] --- .left-column[ ## Markdown extensions ### - Slide properties ] .right-column[ Initial lines containing key-value pairs are extracted as slide properties: ```remark name: agenda class: middle, center # Agenda The name of this slide is {{ name }}. ``` Slide properties serve multiple purposes: * Naming and styling slides using properties `name` and `class` * Using slides as templates using properties `template` and `layout` * Expansion of `{{ property }}` expressions to property values See the [complete list]( of slide properties. ] --- .left-column[ ## Markdown extensions ### - Slide properties ### - Content classes ] .right-column[ Any occurences of one or more dotted CSS class names followed by square brackets are replaced with the contents of the brackets with the specified classes applied: ```remark .footnote[.red.bold[*] Important footnote] ``` Resulting HTML extract: ```xml
Important footnote
``` ] --- .left-column[ ## Markdown extensions ### - Slide properties ### - Content classes ### - Syntax Highlighting ] .right-column[ Code blocks can be syntax highlighted by specifying a language from the set of [supported languages]( Using [GFM]( fenced code blocks you can easily specify highlighting language: .pull-left[
```javascript function add(a, b) return a + b end ```
] .pull-right[
```ruby def add(a, b) a + b end ```
] A number of highlighting [styles]( are available, including several well-known themes from different editors and IDEs. ] --- .left-column[ ## Presenter mode ] .right-column[ To help out with giving presentations, a presenter mode comprising the following features is provided: - Display of slide notes for the current slide, to help you remember key points - Display of upcoming slide, to let you know what's coming - Cloning of slideshow for viewing on extended display ] --- .left-column[ ## Presenter mode ### - Inline notes ] .right-column[ Just like three dashes separate slides, three question marks separate slide content from slide notes: ``` Slide 1 content *??? Slide 1 notes --- Slide 2 content *??? Slide 2 notes ``` Slide notes are also treated as Markdown, and will be converted in the same manner slide content is. Pressing __P__ will toggle presenter mode. ] ??? Congratulations, you just toggled presenter mode! Now press __P__ to toggle it back off. --- .left-column[ ## Presenter mode ### - Inline notes ### - Cloned view ] .right-column[ Presenter mode of course makes no sense to the audience. Creating a cloned view of your slideshow lets you: - Move the cloned view to the extended display visible to the audience - Put the original slideshow in presenter mode - Navigate as usual, and the cloned view will automatically keep up with the original Pressing __C__ will open a cloned view of the current slideshow in a new browser window. ] --- template: inverse ## 现在是时候开始了! --- .left-column[ ## 开始 ] .right-column[ 从入门到掌握只需要几步就可完成: 1. 浏览 [项目]( 2. 这只是入门教程 想要获取更多remark信息,请检出[wiki]( 页面. ] --- name: last-page template: inverse ## 激动吧,翻滚吧 (现在)! 那就赶快使用[remark](创建幻灯片吧.